Thursday, December 6, 2012

The End of AMST 100

American Studies taught me three major things. First, being how our “pop culture” is so much different from the subcultures that surround us every day, through the readings and class discussions. Second, this class taught me how to effectively work in groups and individually, through different projects and assignments. Third, this class taught me to be up to date with current events and by doing so I can form my own educated opinions about relevant topics going on. American Studies 100 showed me that combining knowledge of different subcultures with current events can lead to a new culture trend.

Word Count: 99

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Family Teaching About One's Life

Peering around the corner of the dining room into the kitchen, yelling and arguing are all a four year old kid can understand. Papers flying and falling like rain drops over the linoleum floor, changing the floor from tan to white in minutes. Mother in tears, father red from frustration; the beginning of the end just started for this growing family. This used to be a seemingly happy family; a family whose father would sit with his son every weekend to play Mario, and whose mother never seemed to argue. That little kid can only remember his life getting turned upside down after that fight between his parents; more and more arguments simply lead to divorce. That young boy didn’t even know what hit him; the next thing he remembers vividly is going when he is six to see his dad with another woman, his new wife, during weekends. Feelings of separation, divide and confusion began to coarse through his mind. Separation because he had lost that connect to his father since they no longer lived together. Divide because his once united family had become totally divided in two. Finally, confusion because he had no clue who’s side, his mother’s or his father’s, to believe and support. He was just too young, too naïve to what the real world had to offer him. However, growing up having that knowledge and experience in his childhood taught him so much about life; how nothing is certain and something that seemed so concrete can be uplifted in a minute. Nothing about other people in your life can be predetermined; you have to understand that the only things you can control are your actions and how you perceive your character to the others around you.


            Life has many seemingly cruel things happen to you, but they are to learn from and only make you stronger as a person.
Word Count: 291

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Common Social Space

Sit, talk, eat or work. The first floor of the commons adjacent to Salsarita’s is a large public space that many flock to. The majority of individuals who come to this space are UMBC students to eat and socialize. Few people here are professors or people who don’t seem be a part of the student body. Students get their food with a group of people then find a table to eat and talk; some people come with a smaller group or alone to then join a larger group. Rarely do you see one individual person alone in this area. When people come here in groups they spend a good about of time sitting and talking, usually an hour or more. But if they come alone they will spend about twenty minutes to just eat. This is mainly a leisure space for people to unwind and socialize with friends.

Word Count: 148

Group: Jarrod Padgett & Alec Hanock

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Past is the Past

Past is the Past

Cody Selbert

Word Count: 255

            Everyone needs to allow their decisions be put in the past after the decision is made. That once you make a choice you cannot go back and change it. This is something I truly believe because when I was a junior in high school I faced one of the most difficult decisions of my life, to continue to play hockey or quit and explore other opportunities. After my junior year going to Nationals with my hockey team I was unsure if hockey was going to continue to be my life style as I continued throughout life. After months of consideration, thought and discussion with close friends and family I was able to make a decision. I understood that by continuing to play the sport I loved I would continue to keep my life style I grew up with; having a part of home wherever I went because I could always have a connection to my family and where I began. Deciding to keep playing hockey is a choice I can now say I will never regret; I met some great people my senior year playing hockey and it led me to find UMBC. Living with the understanding that a choice that is made is the final decision and cannot be taken back, this allows a person to accept their own thoughts and move on. I guess growing up with this life motto I was able to make decisions and deal with the consequences of my own actions easier than most people I grew up with.

There is no need to live life in fear of regret, because then a fear of making decisions arises.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Representing More Than The Image of God

Raised in a religious family, going to church was just part of the weekly routine. St. Casimir[1] was our parish; interior and exterior immaculately designed, something so colorful and beautiful. This church wasn’t just part of my life, it was in every major experience of my life; both religiously and socially. This church brought people from all parts of the Polish, Roman Catholic community[2] together each and every Sunday. This is not only a place of belief and prayer, but a landmark for the community.

Word Count: 100

[1] “St. Casimir’s RC Chruch,” last modified 2002,

[2] “Kaisertown, Buffalo, NY,” last modified 2002,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Living This Life: Hockey Style

Gongshow Gear is a brand that displays my personality best. Gongshow is the present image of hockey at any level, and shows people that this sport is a lifestyle. Hockey players miss weekends with friends, and each year create a new twenty person family. Hockey players wake up at the crack of dawn to go to a freezing cold rink, put on ten pounds of armor and skate around on one of the roughest surfaces on earth; by choice non the less. Hockey is everything to anyone who truly has played, and cannot be compared to any feeling on earth.

Word Count: 100

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dress for the Occasion

Going to private high school there was an enforced dress code; it consisted of a dress shirt, tie, slacks, dress shoes, belt, and black socks. Most guys at school would simply wear what they could to keep them out of trouble and through the day. However, I wasn’t like most guys at my school. I was told that I “look like a groomsman at the reception after a wedding”. I wore black pants, shoes and belt every day, and on multiple days during the week I would wear one of two, button down vests to add to the look.

Word Count: 99 words

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Resting Your Head

My name is Cody Selbert. I’m seventeen and a freshman. I’m from Buffalo, NY. However, home is anywhere I spend a period of time in my life. Since hockey has been my entire life growing up, and because of that I have traveled to more places than I can remember. Becoming comfortable and respecting my surroundings are ideas I was raised to follow, which shaped how I view the term home. Along with that view of home, I also believe in God and Jesus. But will never force my opinion onto anyone. So sleep well at UMBC, HOME.

Word Count: 98